Beate Löffler

Beate Löffler is postdoctoral fellow at the IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen. She received an engineering degree in Architecture and majored in Medieval History and the History of Art afterwards. Inspired by onsite experiences in Tokyo, she did a doctoral study on Christian church architecture in Japan. Today, her research integrates epistemological and methodological approaches from engineering, humanities and cultural studies towards a holistic understanding of architecture as a cross-temporal and cross-regional cultural practice and knowledge system. Among her publications are: Exotische Fremde, erträumte Heimat? Japan als Spiegelbild europäischer Heimatkonstruktionen. 1860-1910, in: Krug-Richter, Barbara u.a. (eds): Heimat zwischen Kitsch und Utopie: Kulturwissenschaftliche Annäherungen an ein brisantes Forschungsfeld, 2018 (in print); Petrified worldviews. Eurocentric legacy in architectural knowledge bases on Japan, in: InterDisciplines 8, No 2 (2017), pp. 69-95.; Fremd und Eigen. Christlicher Sakralbau in Japan seit 1853, Berlin: Frank und Timme 2011.