
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

Prof. Dr. phil. Hans-Rudolf Meier (Speaker)

Hans-Rudolf Meier is an art historian and monument conservator and has been professor of Denkmalpflege und Baugeschichte at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar since 2008, having previously held a professorship in monument studies and applied building research at TU Dresden. He is director of the International Heritage Centre IHZ at the Bauhaus University and spokesman for the research training group “Identity and Heritage”. He is a member of numerous expert committees (including the scientific commission of the German Foundation for Monument Protection, the design advisory board of the city of Baden-Baden) and a.O. Member of the BDA. From 2008-18, he was chairman of the Arbeitskreis Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e.V. He conducts research on the theory and history of monument conservation and on medieval and modern architecture.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigrun Langner

Sigrun Langner is professor of Landschaftsarchitektur und -planung at the Bauhaus University Weimar; Deputy Director of the Institute for European Urban Studies; member of the Studio Urbane Landschaften network; since 2003 she has been an office partner in Station C23-Architekten und Landschaftsarchitekten, Leipzig. Her current research focus is on urban landscapes as an expression of urban-rural relational structures. From 2015-2020, she led the sub-project “Urban Landscapes as Projection and Action Space of Sustainable Spatial Development” in the collaborative project “Experimentierfeld Dorf”, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. Since 2019, she has been leading the sub-project “Urban-Rural Landscape and Settlement Transformation” in the joint project “Urban-Rural Assembly” (URA), funded by the BMBF research program “Sustainable Development of Urban Regions”. Her research incorporates mapping methods as a performative understanding and knowledge generation practice.

Prof. Dr. phil. Jörg Paulus

Studied German and philosophy in Heidelberg and Berlin. Doctorate at the Technical University of Berlin with a thesis on literary anthropology and its media around 1800. Habilitation on theoretical philology and epistolary culture around 1800. Collaboration on the historical-critical Jean Paul edition (Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Potsdam office). Research assistant at the Institute for German Studies at the Technical University of Braunschweig, at the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, the Lessing Academy Wolfenbüttel, and at the Institute for Music Research at the University of Würzburg. Since 2016 Professur Archiv- und Literaturforschung at the Bauhaus University Weimar with the research focus on literature around 1800 and around 1900, epistolary research and the mediality of communication; theoretical philology and archival theory. Lectureships and visiting professorships at the TU Berlin, Leibniz University Hanover, Meiji University Tokyo, Japan Women’s University Tokyo, and the University of Breslau. 

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Schönig

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Barbara Schönig. Foto: Thomas Müller/Universitätskommunikation

Studied Modern German Literature and Art History to Magistra Artium at Humboldt University and in the Master’s programme German Literature at the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at Ohio State University (Columbus/Ohio, USA). Studied urban and regional planning to become a graduate engineer at the Technical University of Berlin. Doctorate with the title “Pragmatic Visionaries. Civil Society and Urban Regional Planning in the USA” in Urban and Regional Planning at the Technical University of Berlin. 
Academic career: Teaching Assistant at Ohio State University, student assistant at Humboldt University Berlin (Institute of Modern German Literature), and Technical University Berlin (Department of Sociology of Planning and Architecture). Research assistant also at the Technical University of Berlin (Department of Sociology of Planning and Architecture) and as a postdoc at the Technical University of Darmstadt (Department of Spatial and Infrastructure Planning). Since 2012 professor of Stadtplanung at the Bauhaus University Weimar, and Director of the Institute for European Urban Studies there from 2013 to 2021. Since December 2021, on leave of absence from the professorship and appointment as State Secretary in the Thuringian Ministry of Infrastructure and Agriculture, responsible for the areas of construction and transport.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniela Spiegel

Daniela Spiegel is Professor of Historic Preservation and Architectural History at the Bauhaus University Weimar since 2023. Previously, she lectured as a Professor of architectural history and monument preservation at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. Her research focuses on monument theory, architectural and urban planning history of the 20th century.  In addition to the architecture and urban planning of Italian fascism Die Città Nuove des Agro Pontino im Rahmen der faschistischen Staatsarchitektur (2010) as well as, together with Harald Bodenschatz, Städtebau für Mussolini (2011), she is concerned with the architectural, especially the touristic heritage of the GDR Urlaubs(t)räume des Sozialismus. Zur Geschichte der Ferienarchitektur in der DDR (2020). Within her research projects and as a member of the research training group “Identity and Heritage”, she deals with questions of dealing with uncomfortable heritage on various levels.

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Professur Denkmalpflege und Baugeschichte

Dr. des. Janna Vogl

As a Postdoctoral Researcher, Janna Vogl aims to strengthen the Research Training Group’s sociological focus. She studied sociology, mathematics, and human geography at the University of Potsdam and received her Ph.D. at the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, Erfurt on the topic ‘From Agency to Action? Women and Development Cooperation in South India’. She has conducted field research in Tamil Nadu, India for various projects (2011- 2018). She had taken up teaching assignments at the University of Erfurt and currently serves as a lecturer at the Humbolt University, Berlin. Her focus areas are social movements, processes of politicization, cultural-sociological theory, interculturality/postcolonial theory, and qualitative research methods.

Prof. Dr. Ing. Mag. phil. Daniela Zupan

Daniela Zupan is junior professor for European Cities and Urban Heritage at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Studies at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Her studies in architecture and Slavic studies were followed by a doctorate at the University of Stuttgart on changes in urban planning models. From 2016-2018, she conducted research on urban conflicts in Germany, Russia, and Ukraine in a project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. Most recently, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, where she worked on the role of urban development in authoritarian contexts. Her focus is on researching urban transformation processes in Germany, Austria, and the post-socialist region. This includes built urban structures and their discursive negotiation (e.g. value ascriptions), the history of planning ideas in the form of changes in guiding principles, the influence of current ideas and guiding principles on urban development, the socio-spatial, political, and economic transformation processes – as well as the question of the interactions of these levels. She is currently working on contemporary forms of authoritarian urbanism and on the transformation and de-centering of urbanist knowledge production through exile networks. Daniela Zupan is the director of the Institute for European Urban Studies, a member of the board of directors at the International Heritage Centre of the Bauhaus University Weimar, and co-editor of the publication series Interdisciplinary Housing Research at transcript Verlag.

Technische Universität Berlin

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hermann Schlimme †

He studied architecture, history and art history in Braunschweig, Edmonton and Florence. 1994 diploma in architecture. 1995 Master’s intermediate examination in art history. 1995 accepted for graduate funding by the state of Lower Saxony. Research assistant at the TU Braunschweig. 1998 Doctorate in Braunschweig on Roman-early modern church facades (summa cum laude). 1998-2002 Architectural assistant and research associate at the Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome. Society of Architectural Historians Annual Meeting Fellowship 2001. From 2002 scientific director of the research project “Knowledge History of Architecture” on the part of the Bibliotheca Hertziana (cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin). Edoardo Benvenuto Prize / Premio Edoardo Benvenuto 2006. 2006-2014 Lectureship at the TU Vienna. 2007-2016 Research Associate at the Bibliotheca Hertziana. Co-editor of the scientific journal “Construction History. Journal “Construction History. International Journal of the Construction History Society” (peer-reviewed) and member of the Society’s Board of Directors (since 2013). Member of the Scientific Committees of the “International Congresses on Construction History” (Cambridge 2006, Cottbus 2009, Paris 2012, Chicago 2015, Brussels 2018, Lisbon 2021). Cooperation project with the Beijing Tsinghua Institute for Digitization (THID) on the Western Buildings in the Old Summer Palace Yuanmingyuan in Beijing. 2015 Habilitation in “History of Architecture” at TU Vienna with a thesis on the role of practical building knowledge in architectural culture in early modern and modern Italy. 2014-2016 Visiting professor at TU Vienna.

Since 2017 university professor for Bau- und Stadtbaugeschichte at the TU Berlin. Cooperation projects with Tsinghua University, Beijing and the Ethnological Museum, Berlin on paper models of the Qing dynasty and with the Institut de France on Leonardo da Vinci and building construction. Since 2020, corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute and member of the International Scientific Committee of the scientific journal “Opus Incertum”. Journal “Opus Incertum” (University of Florence, peer-reviewed). Since 2021 DFG project “ – research data portal for historical building research” in cooperation with RWTH Aachen and FIZ Karlsruhe.

Main research interests: Early modern architecture in Italy, China-Europe, history of knowledge of architecture, history of building technology, history of architecture of the 20th and 21st century.

Obituary: Prof. Hermann Schlimme (†)

Dr.-Ing. Sylvia Butenschön

She studied landscape management at the University of Hanover. Doctorate with the title “History of Dresden’s Urban Greenery” at the TU Dresden. Habilitation at the TU Berlin, teaching “History of Garden Culture and Garden Monument Preservation”. Professional background: Landscape architect in the engineering office for environmental planning Schmal & Ratzbor (Lehrte), editor for garden cultural topics at the internet magazine gardenweb-europe. Freelance activities: Garden monument conservation expertises. Her research focuses on urban and residential greenery of the 19th and 20th centuries, cultural landscape development and the theory and methodology of garden monument preservation. Since 2006, she has been a research associate at the Institute for Urban and Regional Planning (ISR) at the TU Berlin for the subject area of Städtebauliche Denkmalpflege und urbanes Kulturerbe.

Prof. Dr. phil. Gabriele Dolff-Bonekämper

Gabi Dolff-Bonekämper, Kunsthistorikerin, von 2002-2021 Professorin für Denkmalpflege und urbanes Kulturerbe an der TU Berlin. Von 1988 bis 2002 Denkmalpflegerin in Berlin, aktive und streitbare Mitwirkung an Debatten zur Bewertung und Bewahrung von Denkmalen und Bauten der Nachkriegsmoderne in Ost- und Westberlin. 2001/02 Scholar am Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles. Von 2000-2011 Mitglied der Expertengruppe für das gemeinsame europäische Kulturerbe beim Europarat. 2016-2021 Sprecherin, seit 2021 weiterhin Mitglied im Kollegium des DFG Graduiertenkollegs „Identität und Erbe“. Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Denkmalwert- und Kulturerbe-Theorie, Geschichtspolitiken, Erinnerungsforschung, Architektur und Städtebaugeschichte der Nachkriegsmoderne in Europa. Zahlreiche Publikationen. 

Professorin (emer.) am Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung der Technischen Universität Berlin, Fachgebiet Städtebauliche Denkmalpflege und urbanes Kulturerbe, Homepage:

Prof. Dr. Axel Gelfert

Portrait A. Gelfert

Studied physics at the Humboldt University Berlin and the University of Oxford and philosophy of science at the University of Cambridge. PhD from the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge (2006). Fellowships at the National University of Singapore, Collegium Budapest and the University of Edinburgh. Professor of Theoretische Philosophie at the Technical University of Berlin.

Prof. Dr. Stephanie Herold

Studied art history and European ethnology in Bamberg, Bergen (Norway), and Berlin as well as monument conservation at the Technical University Berlin, ibid. doctorate with the title „… nicht, weil wir es für schön halten …“. Das Schöne im denkmaltheoretischen Diskurs. Research assistant at the Institute for Urban and Regional Planning at the Technical University of Berlin (Department of Monument Preservation) and at the Competence Centre for Monument Sciences and Technologies (KDWT) at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg. Since October 2021 Professor of Denkmalpflege at the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning. Main research interests: Emotions and heritage, valorization processes, architecture, and urban planning of the post-war and post-modern periods.

Prof. Dr. phil. Martina Löw

Studied educational sciences at the Philipps University of Marburg. Continued studies at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, ibid. doctorate in the Department of Social Sciences (doctoral subject: sociology). Habilitation in the Department of History, Philosophy, and Social Sciences at the Martin Luther University Halle/Saale (Venia legendi: Sociology). Doctoral scholarship from the University of Frankfurt/M. Research assistant and senior assistant in the Department of Education at Martin Luther University Halle/Saale. 2002-13 Professor of Sociology at the TU Darmstadt. Since 2013 professor of Planungs- und Architektursoziologie at the Technical University of Berlin.

Prof. Dr. phil. Stefanie Schüler-Springorum

Stefanie Schüler-Springorum, historian, 2001-2011 Director of the Institute for German-Jewish history in Hamburg; since 2011 Director of the Center for Research on Antisemitism, since 2012 Co- Director of the Selma-Stern-Center for Jewish Studies, both in in Berlin, and since 2020 Director of the Berlin branch of the Center for Research on Social Cohesion. Fields of research: Jewish, German and Spanish History, Gender History. Recent publications: Football and Discrimination. Antisemitism and beyond, London 2021 (ed. with P. Brunssen); Four Years After: Antisemitism and Racism in Trump’s America (ed. with N. and M. Zadoff, H. Paul), Munich 2020; Gender and the Politics of Anti-Semitism, in: American Historical Review 123 (2018), pp. 1210–1222. 

Dr. phil. Gunter Weidenhaus

Studied philosophy and German language and literature at Justus Liebig University in Giessen, social pedagogy at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and Sociology, and computer science and economics at Darmstadt Technical University. Doctorate on the topic “The social space-time. On the connection between the constitutions of space and time in biographies”. Research assistant at the Institute of Sociology at TU Darmstadt and at the Institute of Sociology at TU Berlin. Visiting professor for “Sociology of Space” at TU Berlin from 2018 to 2022. Collaborator in the Sonderforschungsbereich 1265 „Re-Figuration von Räumen“ at the Technical University of Berlin.

Prof. Dr. phil. Kerstin Wittmann-Englert

She studied art history, modern German literature and Christian archaeology at the Free University of Berlin and in Bonn. Habilitation with a thesis on church architecture in post-war modernism. Research assistant in advanced training at the Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Lecturer at the Free University of Berlin. Postdoctoral scholarship at the graduate college “Kunstwissenschaft – Bauforschung – Denkmalpflege” of the TU Berlin and the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg. Architectural editor of the journal “Kunst und Kirche”. Since 2005 research assistant at the Department of Art History at the TU Berlin. 2009-18 Chairwoman of the Landesdenkmalrat Berlin. 2010 appointment as associate professor. Since 2014 Member of the Expert Group of the International Scientific Committee on 20th Century Heritage (ICOMOS ISC20C). Since 2015 member of the Arbeitskreis Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e.V. (AKTLD). Since autumn 2016 member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Wüstenrot Foundation. Since 2020, member of the reviewer:inside committee of the Wüstenrot Foundation’s doctoral scholarship.

She is head of the Department of Architekturgeschichte at the TU Berlin.

Fachhochschule Erfurt

Prof. Dr. phil. Nikolai Roskamm

Professor of Planungstheorie, Stadtbaugeschichte und Städtebau an der Fachhochschule Erfurt, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning. Doctorate at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Habilitation at the TU Berlin for the subjects Philosophy of Science and Urban Research. Foundation guest professor of the City of Vienna at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Public Space and Urban Culture SkuOR, TU Vienna. Author of “Dichte. A Transdisciplinary Deconstruction”(2011, transcript) and “The Unoccupied City. Postfundamentalist thinking and the urbanist field” (2017, Birkhäuser, Bauwelt Fundamente 158). Editorial collective sub\urban zeitung für kritische stadtforschung.

Universität der Künste Berlin

Prof. Dr. phil. Susanne Hauser

Susanne Hauser (Dr. phil. habil.) is professor of Art History and Cultural Studies at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) and is currently managing director of the Institute for History and Theory of Design. She was research associate for Semiotic Studies at the Faculty for History and Communication Studies at the Technical University Berlin (TUB) from 1983-1988 where she finished her doctoral thesis on the perception of cities in German literature (“Der Blick auf die Stadt”, Berlin 1990). During the academic year of 1995/96 she was a Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies (Wissenschaftskolleg) in Berlin. In her second book she analysed the role of symbolic and aesthetic strategies in the rehabilitation of brownfields in Western Europe (“Metamorphosen des Abfalls”, Frankfurt/M., New York 2001). Her research was was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG-Habilitationsstipendium 1996-1999) and accepted as Habilitationsschrift at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in 1999. From 2000-2003 she taught as Visiting Professor for Landscape Aesthetics at the University of Kassel; from 2003-2005 she was Professor and Head of the Institute for Art and Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Architecture at the Graz University of Technology until she was appointed to the Berlin University of the Arts in 2005. Since 2006 she has been a member of the advisory board of the German Society for Semiotics, since 2017 she is a board member. In 2010 she became a member of the German Academy for Urban and Regional Spatial Planning (Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung). She is a co-applicant and member of the steering group of the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg “Das Wissen der Künste” (“Knowledge in the Arts”, UdK Berlin, 2012-2021) since 2012 and a co-applicant of the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg “Identität und Erbe” (“Identity and Heritage”, TUB/Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2016-2021). She has published widely in the field of urban and landscape studies, on history and theory of architecture, and on media and semiotic studies.

Professor Art History and Cultural Studies at Universität der Künste Berlin, Department of Architecture

Fachhochschule Anhalt Dessau

Carl Constantin Weber

Professional training as a stone sculptor and bronze caster. Studied Sculpture at the Technical University Braunschweig (Prof. Jürgen Weber) and the Hochschule für Künste Bremen (Prof. Waldemar Otto). Graduated from art college and became a Meisterschüler (master student) at the Universität der Künste Berlin under Prof. Joachim Schmettau. Afterwards professor for the Basics of Design and Drawing at the Magdeburg/Stendal University of Applied Sciences. Since 2006 professor of Basic Design and Freehand Drawing at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Dessau. Head of the Institute for Building and the Arts at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. Realisation of architectural art, sculptures, square designs and sacred objects in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

Department Basics of Art and Design, Hochschule Anhalt Dessau
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