Gabriela Iracema Randig

Gabriela Randig holds a Bachelor of Theatre Studies, General and Comparative Literature Studies, and Latin American Studies from Freie Universität Berlin. She obtained a master’s degree in sociocultural studies from the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) with a special focus on urban studies, postcolonialism, the culture of remembrance, and aesthetic practices. During her studies, she joined various cultural and educational organisations in Berlin and Latin America as a volunteer, intern, or assistant. She is passionate about world heritage, education for sustainable development, and youth participation, and pursues these interests within her voluntary work for UNESCO. Besides her activities as a trainer in World Heritage Education, she is a founding member of the youth committee of the German Commission for UNESCO Junges Forum and a member of the German Nomination Committee for the UNESCO programme Memory of the World. Most recently, she worked as a project manager for a do & think thank for impact-oriented networks and as an editor for a Berlin-based start-up.