Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann (Jerusalem): Hashtags, Stories, Video-Memes. Holocaust Remembrance on TikTok and Instagram

Social media have long become an integral part of remembering historical events. Memorials enable visits to historical sites from distance through virtual tours on Instagram. On TikTok, Holocaust survivors recount their experiences. New memory spaces emerge through digital techniques and practices such as hashtags and challenges.

Cultural heritage becomes part of digital negotiation processes about history and remembrance on various online platforms. In particular, members of Generation Z use social media to make historical events part of their (media) biographies.  They use digital formats such as video memes and Instagram stories to inscribe themselves in this (hi)story. The lecture presents various digital projects and initiatives on Instagram and TikTok and explores practices of digital remembrance and the engagement with the difficult legacy of the Holocaust in the digital age.

Tobias Ebbrecht-Hartmann is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Journalism and the European Forum of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He teaches, researches, and publishes on cinematic and digital remembrance of the Holocaust, media history, and the use and appropriation of archival images. He is a member of the consortium of the Horizon 2020 project “Visual History of the Holocaust: Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age”.

UPDATE: The lecture will not be held in Weimar but streamed online at: (Meeting-ID: 691 8127 7058, Kenncode: 723331)

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