Cultural knowledge is not only transmitted as „collective memory“, but is also a function of concrete techniques of transmission. In this context, technical cultural property represents a material and a logical embodiment of specific ways of knowing.
The lecture therefore focuses not so much on discursive policies of memory and history, but on diverse nondiscursive (cultural) techniques and agencies of knowledge storage and transmission. Cultural „heritage“ thus becomes describable in terms of information technologies as signal and data reception, and graspable in terms of media archaeology in concrete material dispositifs (technical cultural property). In a second step, such technologies, for their part, are understood not only as agents but also as objects of cultural tradition. Technical and logical-diagrammatic ways of thinking and acting can be determined as essential as epitome (hard- and software) of European identity. Methodologically, this media-archaeological approach oscillates between the archive in the sense of a non-narrative memory institution and l’archive in Foucault’s a priori sense.
Wolfgang Ernst is professor for media theories at the Humboldt University in Berlin. He received his doctorate in history in 1990 and habilitated in 2002 with a venia legendi in cultural studies and media studies. After various external guest professorships, he founded the Seminar for Media Studies at Humboldt University in Berlin. Since he became a media archaeologist, he devotes his research and teaching primarily to micro-temporal and sonic media processes as well as intra-technical self-logic and self-time. He is currently exploring the technológos of media-cultural knowledge.
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